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Red Peacock: Are Red Peacocks Real? (Real Truth in 2024)

Now, exciting news is buzzing all over the internet: Is the red peacock real or fake? Many YouTube channels show that red peacocks are real, and they show some videos as proof. But really! What are your thoughts about those videos? I will show you my thoughts about those videos in this article. 

Peacocks are beautiful birds on earth. Many people want a short answer about this topic. Here is the short answer for you: Red Peacocks aren’t real. But what about the videos? Wait. I will explain everything. 

Red Peacock Real or Fake?

If it exists on Earth, it will have red feathers on its entire body and wings. Wait! Red peacocks don’t exist on Earth? So, the actual answer is no. 

Red Peacocks Video Real or Fake?

Although they do not exist on Earth, let me tell you something about them. A red peacock is a peacock with red feathers. Most of the species of peacock are blue and green. 

Many viewers see this video below and search the internet for the honest answer. Many believe that peacocks exist on Earth, which means the video is right. But those who know about peacocks didn’t think of this fake video. 

I will tell you something about these types of videos on the internet. They are fake. People make these videos to gain views on their channel. 

Video: Red Peacock Real or Fake

Different Types of Peacock Species

Peacocks are known for their beautiful feather colour. If you rank these species one by one, then I think the Indian Peafowl is on the top for sure.

They are amazing birds with stunning colours. They are commonly found in Asia. These blue species of peacocks are the national bird of India. Indian peacocks have blue and green feathers all over their body. They also have a lovely tail. 

There are also other types of peacocks on earth. All the peacock species live on our planet, from blue to green to white. Some are very common, and some are very rare. 

Myth vs. Reality

A lengthy debate has happened around the decade about the “Red Peacock.” Some people believe that red peacocks are a scarce species. Some think they are a genetic mutation, and some think they have never existed. These are all myths. 

These birds do not exist if we talk about reality. I did a lot of research and found many types of peafowl worldwide, but I can’t find the red one. 

What about the images on Google? Can Google show fake photos or videos on its search engine? The pictures on Google about Red Peacock are fake. Those images were edited using different image editing platforms. 

Misleading Images

It is essential to know about these types of images on the internet. They are very fake and misguide you. In these red peacock images, we quickly see that Photoshop edits the picture with red colour. 

Always remember that peacocks’ natural colours are blue and green. Some white peacocks are seen on the internet but are very rare. If you want to know about the beautiful types of peacocks, visit our website for more information. 

The Natural Color of Peacock

The only natural colour of peacocks is blue and green. You can easily find these colours on Indian Peafowl. This Indian peacock’s scientific name is Pavo Cristatus.

It is the most famous peacock species online because of its remarkable colour. Also, they have stunning eyes with blue and green feathers and look fantastic. 

Seasonal Changes

Peacocks are gifted with the ability to change colour in different seasons. Their colour depends entirely on their age and season. 

Male peacock displays their most vibrant colour during the breeding season. At the other time of the year, they have less colour on their body. Peacock species are unique to watch. 


At last, I can easily say that red peacocks are not real bird. All the images and videos on the internet are fake. Photoshop edits all the photos. All the videos about red peacocks on YouTube are fake because they made those videos to gain subscribers. Always remember, the actual colour of the peacock is blue and green. Don’t believe in those kinds of images and videos. So, in answer to the question, “Are Red Peacocks Real?” the simple answer is red peacocks are fake. 


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.