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Discover 7 Small Birds with Long WINGS (With Images)

Birds are the most beautiful and fascinating creatures on the planet. There are a massive number of species of birds in this world.

Each bird has their unique characteristics. Some birds have long wings, which allow them to fly through the air with ease.

In this article, we also explore 7 small birds with long wings. 

Small Birds with Long Wings

There are many small birds with long wings but we only discuss 7 amazing birds.

  • Swallow
  • Swift
  • House Martin
  • Common Tern
  • Sandpiper
  • Red Knot
  • Plover

Let’s explore these birds’ habitat, size, wings, food, etc.

1. Swallow 

Tree Swallow

Swallows are small birds that have long, pointed wings. They are commonly known for their acrobatic flying abilities.

They are found on every continent except Antarctica and are often seen swooping and diving to catch flying insects. 

Swallows have good insect-catching abilities while flying because of their sleek bodies and short bills.

They can make a variety of sounds including chirping and warbling, which are associated with good luck, fidelity, and happiness in many cultures. 

There are 90 species of swallows worldwide. They are also popular subjects in art, literature, and mythology. 

Related: Top 7 Small Birds with Long Beaks

2. Swift 

Image: Swift

Swifts are small, fast-flying birds with long wings. They are known for their flying ability. Swifts love to eat insects, which they catch in mid-air. 

Two types of Swift have long wings. Common Swift and Alpine Swifts are small birds that have long, slender wings. 

Common Swift migrates from Europe to Africa and back each year. They are extremely acrobats. 

Alpine Swift is known for their impressive flight speed. These birds can reach up to 100 miles per hour. They can also fly for long periods without landing. 

Related: Top 7 Small Birds with Long Legs

3. House Martin

House Martin
House Martin

The House Martin is a small bird with long wings that allow it to perform incredibly in the air.

You can easily find these birds throughout Europe and parts of Asia and Africa and is known for its distinctive tail, sleek body, and glossy blue-black feathers. 

House martins are migratory birds. They can spend their winters in Africa before returning to Europe in the Spring to breed. They typically build their nests under the caves of buildings. 

They use mud and grass to create a well-structured nest. House martins always eat flying insects, which they catch while in flight. 

They are diving over fields, ponds, and other open areas. House martins are also known for their chirping and twittering calls. 

4. Common Tern 

common tern
common tern

The common tern is a small seabird with long wings. It is found throughout the world. They eat small fish and can be seen diving into the water to catch their prey. 

Common Terns are migratory birds, spending their winters in warmer regions. They make their nest in colonies on sandy or rocky beaches. 

Common Terns feed on small fish and other aquatic creatures, which they catch by diving into the water. 

The Common Tern is listed as a species of conservation concern in some areas due to habitat loss and other major threats. 

5. Sandpiper

Spotted Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper

Sandpipers a small wading birds with long bills and long wings.

It is found in habitats across the world, including coastal beaches, riverbanks, and wetlands. 

Sandpipers have slender bodies and long, thin bills that they use to probe the mud or sand for worms and insects.

Many sandpiper species also have a distinctive “teetering” motion as they walk. 

Dunlin is a common sandpiper found in coastal areas, while the spotted sandpiper is found along riverbanks and streams. 

6. Red Knot

Red Knot
Red Knot

The red knot is a small shorebird with a long, straight bill and long wings. It is found in many parts of the world. 

It is also known for its ability to fly long distances during migration. Red knots feed on insects and other small marine life. 

You can easily find this bird in the Arctic tundra, North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

This bird can travel up to 9,000 miles each way between their breeding and wintering grounds. 

Red knots are very important for many coastal ecosystems, helping to control populations of small invertebrates. 

Red knots are a species of conservation concern in many areas due to habitat loss, climate change, and other threats. 

7. Plover 


Plovers are small wading birds with short bills and long wings. Plovers are found in a wide variety of habitats, including beaches, mudflats, and grasslands. 

Plovers have compact bodies, short bills, and long legs. They are also known for their distinctive calls, which can include a variety of whistles, trills, and chirps. 

There are many different species of plover, and each of them has its characteristics.

Piping Plover is a small endangered species found on beaches in North America, while the African black-winged plover is found in grasslands and wetlands in sub-Saharan Africa. 


These 7 small birds with long wings are just a few examples of the incredible diversity found in the avian world. Their ability to soar through the air with grace and ease is a true wonder to behold and a reminder of the beauty of the natural world.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.