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Discover 6 Small Blue Birds in Michigan (2023)

Michigan is a huge home for birds. This state’s environment and ecosystem are simply amazing for any kind of bird species.

There are 17 blue birds in Michigan, as we already discussed. These blue-colored birds are not only beautiful but also their unique behaviour or characteristics are amazing.

In this blog post, we will explore the 6 types of Small Blue Birds in Michigan.

Small Blue Birds in Michigan:

There are many small bird species you can easily find in this beautiful state, but I took only 6 small blue birds.

Here is the list of 6 small blue birds in Michigan.

  • Indigo Bunting
  • Black-throated Blue Warbler
  • Bluebirds
  • Northern Parula
  • Cerulean Warbler
  • Eastern Bluebird

Let’s explore these beautiful small blue birds’ size, behavior, diet, habitat, etc.

1. Indigo Bunting

Indigo Bunting
image: Indigo Bunting
TopicBasic Information
HabitatFields, brushy areas, forest edges,
swamps edges, scrub, roadsides, open fields
DietSeeds, insects, and fruits
Size12-13 cm (4.7-5.1 in) long;
19-23 cm (7.5-9 in) wingspan
table: Indigo Bunting Basic Info

Indigo buntings are small blue birds that can be found in Michigan during the breeding season.

They always prefer different habitats including fields, forest edges, open fields, brushy areas, roadsides, etc.

They can grow up to 4 to 5 inches in length with a wingspan of 7 to 8 inches.

Males have bright blue with black wings and tail, while females have brown with blue hints on wings and tail.

The Indigo Bunting is a bright bluebird you can see in Michigan during the summer. They like places like open woodlands and meadows. You can find them sitting on shrubs or trees, singing and looking for food.

To see Indigo Buntings in Michigan, go to parks or nature areas in the summer. Listen to their pretty songs, and look for their vivid blue feathers.

They’re around during the warm months when they’re raising their babies. Enjoy your birdwatching in Michigan!

Related: Discover 2 Types of Cranes in Michigan

2. Black-throated Blue Warbler

Black-throated Blue Warbler
image: Black-throated Blue Warbler
DietWhere to Spot in MichiganIdentification
Insects and berriesNorthern MichiganMales have blue-gray upperparts and black throat, females have olive-brown upperparts and white belly
table: Black-throated blue warbler info

During the summer, adult males develop dark blue upper parts, a white patch on their wings, and black wings.

Black-throated Blue Warbler’s main food is insects, which they forage in the tree canopy.

They can grow up to 4-5 inches in length with a wingspan of 7-8 inches.

The Black-throated Blue Warbler is a small, colorful bird you can see in Michigan during the spring and fall when they’re traveling.

The males are known for their blue and white feathers with black throats, while females have a more muted look.

To find Black-throated Blue Warblers in Michigan, go to wooded areas and forests during their migration seasons. They like places with lots of trees and bushes.

Listen to their unique songs and calls, which can help you find them. They often hang out in treetops, so binoculars can be helpful for a better view.

Michigan is part of their migration path, so they pass through during the spring and fall. Enjoy your birdwatching in the Great Lakes State!

Related: white birds in Michigan

3. Bluebirds

Image: Bluebirds
DietInsects, fruits, and berries
HabitatOpen grasslands and fields
Where to spot in MichiganThroughout the state
IdentificationVibrant blue head, back, and wings,
reddish-brown breast, and white belly
table: bluebirds basic info

Bluebirds are a small type of blue-colored bird in Michigan, also native to North America. They eat insects, fruits, and berries.

This species of bird has a Vibrant blue head, back, and wings, reddish-brown breasts, and a white belly.

They always prefer open grasslands and fields for their habitats. You can find Eastern Bluebirds in Michigan all year round.

They’re lovely birds with bright blue feathers and a reddish-brown chest. Look for them in open woodlands, meadows, and parks. You can even set up a birdhouse for them in your yard.

To see Eastern Bluebirds in Michigan, visit parks and open areas, or create a friendly space for them at home. They like to sit on fences and branches, and you can often hear their pretty songs.

Michigan is their home throughout the year, making it a great place to enjoy these charming birds.

Related: What Bird is Only Found in Michigan?

4. Northern Parula

Northern Parula
image: Northern Parula
Northern Parula
DietFeeds on insects and spiders
HabitatDeciduous and mixed forests
Where to spot in MichiganCommon during spring and fall migration in wooded areas near water
IdentificationBlue-gray back, yellow-green throat and breast with a reddish-brown band across the chest
table: Northern Parula diet, habitat, identification

Northern Parulas are small blue birds in Michigan. This species of bird eats insects and spiders.

They have blue-gray back, and yellow-green throats with a reddish-brown band across the chest.

To find Northern Parulas, listen for their buzzy trill or descending song. You can see the Northern Parula in Michigan during the spring and fall when they’re migrating. They’re small with pretty blue-gray feathers and yellow throats and chests.

To find Northern Parulas in Michigan, go to wooded areas with lots of trees and near water. Listen for their buzzy songs, and use binoculars to spot them high up in the trees.

Michigan is part of their migration path, so you’ll see them passing through in the spring and fall. Enjoy your birdwatching in the Great Lakes State!

Related: What is the Bluish-Gray Bird in Michigan?

5. Cerulean Warbler

Cerulean Warbler
image: Cerulean Warbler
DietInsects, particularly caterpillars
Habitat and Where to Spot in MichiganDeciduous forests, along rivers and streams; a rare and local breeding birds in the southern and central Lower Peninsula
IdentificationBlue-gray upperparts, white underparts, bold white eye-ring, blue wings with white wing bars, short tail
table: Cerulean Warbler diet, habitat, identification

Cerulean Warblers are small birds with blue feathers and a white belly, with black streaks on their back.

You can easily spot this bird in deciduous forests, along rivers and streams. They have blue-gray upper parts, white underparts, bold white eye-ring, blue wings with white wing bars, and short tails.

You can find Cerulean Warblers in Michigan during the spring and summer when they’re breeding. They are small birds with beautiful blue feathers on top and white underneath.

To see Cerulean Warblers in Michigan, visit wooded areas near water, like forests and riparian spots. Listen to their lovely songs and look for their bright blue colors in the trees. Binoculars can help you get a closer look.

Michigan is where they nest, so the best time to spot them is in the spring and early summer. Enjoy your birdwatching in the Great Lakes State!

6. Eastern Bluebird

Eastern Bluebird
Image: Eastern Bluebird
DietInsects, berries, and fruits
Where to SpotOpen grassy areas, near trees and nest boxes
IdentificationThe vibrant blue color on the head, back, and
blue wings with reddish-brown breasts and a white belly
table: Eastern Bluebird diet, identification, and location

The adult male Easter Bluebirds have blue upper parts. Also, their underparts are orange and white. They are not native to Michigan.

During summer, Eastern Bluebirds are commonly seen in Michigan’s scattered trees. Their soft song “tu-a-weel” is so beautiful.

Eastern Bluebirds can be found in Michigan all year. They’re lovely with bright blue feathers and orange throats and chests. You can spot them in open woodlands, meadows, parks, and even in suburban areas. You can also set up a birdhouse in your yard for them.

To see Eastern Bluebirds in Michigan, look for them perched on fences or branches. You can hear their pretty songs, which help you find them.

They stay in Michigan all year, so you can enjoy watching them anytime.


The small blue birds in Michigan are pretty and sound nice. They remind us to take care of nature, so they can keep making us happy. They’re like a little break from our busy lives and make us appreciate the simple things. Let’s protect them and cherish them because they’re special and remind us to be good to our planet.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.