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Meet Top 7 Small Birds with Long Tails

Small birds with long tails are some of the most beautiful and fascinating creatures in the world.

They come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and they can be found all over the globe.

In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the most popular species of small birds with long tails, and we will learn more about their unique features and behaviours.

Small Birds with Long Tails

Step into the enchanting world of small birds with long tails.

  • Long-tailed Tits
  • Magpies
  • Hummingbirds
  • Tailorbirds
  • Flycatchers
  • Wrens
  • Swallow

1. Long-tailed Tits

Long-tailed Tits
image: Long-tailed Tits

Long-tailed Tits are small, chubby birds with long, thin tails. They have a black line across their eyes and a small, stubby beak. Their bodies are mostly pale pink or whitish with a salmon-pink colour underneath.

Long-tailed Tits live in different places, including woodlands, gardens, and parks. They can live in both rural and urban areas. They like areas with lots of plants, especially bushes and trees, where they build their nests.

These birds are very sociable and often move in small groups with their family. They search for bugs, spiders, and other small creatures in trees and bushes. They move quickly and can even hang upside down!

Long-tailed Tits build fancy nests. The nests are round and made of moss, spider webs, and other materials.

They have a small hole near the top and are lined with feathers and soft plant materials. The nests are usually hidden in trees or shrubs among the leaves.

Long-tailed Tits make high-pitched sounds to talk to each other. They have many different melodic sounds and can be heard while they fly or interact with their group.

These birds usually only travel short distances, but sometimes they move around locally to find food. They are not in danger and have a stable population because they can adapt well to different places.

Long-tailed Tits are cute birds with unique looks and friendly behaviour. It’s fun to watch them in nature!

Here are some additional facts about Long-tailed Tits:

  • They are about 14 centimetres long and weigh about 8.6 grams.
  • They have a lifespan of about 5 years.
  • They lay about 10-12 eggs at a time.
  • Their eggs hatch after about 12-14 days.
  • The young birds fledge after about 16-18 days.

If you see a Long-tailed Tit, enjoy its unique beauty and friendly behaviour!

2. Magpies


Magpies are medium-sized birds with black and white feathers and long tails. They are smart and social creatures. Here’s some basic information about them:


Magpies are about the size of pigeons and have shiny black feathers on their head, back, and breasts. Their bellies and shoulders are white, and they have long tails that can be longer than their bodies.


Magpies can live in different places like forests, gardens, parks, farms, and cities. They can adapt to both rural and urban areas.


Magpies are clever and like to be around other magpies. You’ll often see them in pairs or small groups. They make different sounds to talk to each other.


Magpies eat various things like insects, small animals, eggs, dead animals, fruits, seeds, and sometimes our leftovers. They are good at finding food wherever they can.


Magpies build big nests using sticks and twigs. They line their nests with soft things like grass, hair, and moss. They usually build their nests high up in trees. Magpies also like to collect shiny objects and put them in their nests.

Conservation Status:

Magpies are common birds and not in danger. Their population is stable and doesn’t need special protection.

Magpies are interesting birds. They look distinctive and are clever and sociable. It’s fun to watch them in different places where they live.

3. Hummingbirds

Image: Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are small, colourful birds found in the Americas. They can fly backwards and hover in the air. They have long, slender bodies, pointed bills, and sometimes long tails used for balance.

Hummingbirds feed on flower nectar and insects. Their thin bills help them reach deep into flowers and cracks in trees.

They play an important role in pollination, spreading flower pollen. Many people enjoy watching hummingbirds in gardens.

Here are some hummingbirds with long tails:

  1. Long-tailed Sylph: Found in the Andes Mountains of South America. Males have a greenback and blue-green throat, while females have a white throat.
  2. Violet-tailed Sylph: Found in the Andes Mountains of South America. Males have a violet-blue back and throat, while females have a white throat.
  3. Green-tailed Sylph: Found in the Andes Mountains of South America. Males have a green back and throat, while females have a white throat.
  4. Sapphire-throated Hummingbird: Found in the western United States and Mexico. Males have a blue-green back and sapphire-blue throat, while females have a white throat.
  5. Broad-tailed Hummingbird: Found in the western United States and Mexico. Males have a greenback and broad white throat, while females have a white throat.

Hummingbirds are amazing creatures known for their beauty and grace. If you get the chance to see one, take a moment to appreciate their unique qualities.

4. Tailorbirds

Image: Tailorbirds

Tailorbirds are small birds with long tails. They are brown and can be found in Asia, Africa, and Australia. One interesting thing about tailorbirds is their ability to sew leaves together to create nests. They use their beaks to make holes in the leaves and then weave them together using spider silk or plant fibres.

These birds are insectivores, which means they mainly eat insects like beetles, flies, moths, spiders, and other small invertebrates. Tailorbirds are active and spend a lot of time searching for food.

Tailorbirds are monogamous, meaning they mate for life. They build their nests in trees or shrubs and usually lay 2-3 eggs. After about 12 days, the eggs hatch, and the young birds leave the nest after about 14 days.

Tailorbirds play an important role in the ecosystem by helping to control insect populations. They are also popular among birdwatchers and can often be seen in gardens and areas with trees and shrubs.

5. Flycatchers

image: Flycatchers

Flycatchers are small birds that are known for their ability to catch insects in mid-air. They have long, pointed bills and sharp eyesight, which allows them to spot their prey from a distance. Flycatchers typically have brown or grey plumage, with some species having brighter colours. They are found in a variety of habitats, including forests, woodlands, and fields.

There are many different species of flycatchers, and they can be found all over the world. Some of the most common flycatchers in North America include:

  • Eastern phoebe
  • Great crested flycatcher
  • Acadian flycatcher
  • Least flycatcher
  • Willow Flycatcher

Flycatchers are an important part of the ecosystem. They help to control insect populations, and they provide food for other animals. They are also a popular attraction for birdwatchers.

6. Wrens

Image: Wrens

Wrens are small, brown birds found in forests, woodlands, and gardens. They have short tails and thin bills. Wrens sing loudly to find mates and protect their territory.

There are different wren species worldwide. Common North American wrens include:

House wren

Carolina wren

Bewick’s wren

Rock wren

Marsh wren

Wrens play a vital role in the ecosystem. They control insect populations and serve as food for other animals. Birdwatchers enjoy observing them.

Wrens build nests in various places like tree holes, old tires, and man-made structures. They stay faithful to their partners and mate for life. Wrens’ loud songs are used for attracting mates and defending their territory.

Wrens are valuable contributors to the ecosystem, controlling insects and providing food for other animals. Birdwatchers find them captivating to observe.

7. Swallows

Image: Swallow

Swallows are small birds with long tails that are known for their graceful flight. They can be found in different habitats around the world, including fields, meadows, forests, and near water sources. Swallows migrate to different regions depending on the time of year.

Swallows are agile fliers and can catch insects while flying. They fly in groups and have quick, darting movements. Swallows eat flying insects such as flies, mosquitoes, beetles, and gnats. They catch their prey in the air using their wide bills and excellent flying skills.

Swallows build cup-shaped nests using mud, grass, and other materials. They attach their nests to buildings, cliffs, or other structures. Swallows return to the same nesting sites each year.

There are different types of swallows, including Barn Swallows, Cliff Swallows, Tree Swallows, and Violet-green Swallows. Each species has its own characteristics and habitat preferences.

Swallows face challenges like habitat loss and climate change. Some species have seen population declines.

Swallows are beautiful birds that bring joy with their graceful flight. They help control insect populations and are valuable to our ecosystem. Keep an eye out for these amazing birds in open areas and near water.


In conclusion, small birds with long tails are nature’s little wonders, bringing joy and fascination wherever they go. From their graceful flights to their remarkable nest-building skills, these birds showcase the wonders of the natural world. By appreciating and protecting their habitats, we can ensure that future generations can also marvel at the beauty of these delightful creatures. So let’s celebrate the marvels of small birds with long tails and cherish the magic they bring to our lives.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.