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Kansas Duck Hunting Guides in 2023: Best Time, Season, Places, License, Tips, Ducks Limit

If you want to hunt ducks in Kansas, the best time is during winter when ducks migrate from the north. The peak season for duck hunting in Kansas is usually in January and February.

Kansas Duck Hunting Season 2023

The Kansas duck hunting season for 2023 will run from October 1st to January 31st. There are two zones in Kansas, the Low Plains Zone and the High Plains Zone.

The Low Plains Zone has a daily bag limit of 6 ducks, while the High Plains Zone has a daily bag limit of 5 ducks. The possession limit for both zones is 18 ducks.

Best Places to Hunt Ducks in Kansas

Here are some great places to hunt ducks in Kansas:

  1. Cheyenne Bottoms Wildlife Area
  2. Quivira National Wildlife Refuge
  3. Milford Reservoir
  4. John Redmond Reservoir
  5. Tuttle Creek Lake

Remember to follow Kansas’ hunting regulations. You’ll need to buy a Kansas hunting license and a federal duck stamp. Some wildlife areas may require a special permit for hunting.

Can You Shoot Ducks on the Water in Kansas?

Yes, you can shoot ducks on the water in Kansas, but there are restrictions:

  1. Licenses and stamps: You need a valid hunting license and a waterfowl stamp.
  2. Daily bag limit: The limit is six ducks per day.
  3. Restrictions: You cannot shoot ducks swimming or resting on the water within 150 yards of a public road or parking area.

Remember to follow these regulations to ensure a legal and responsible duck hunting experience in Kansas.

Here are some additional regulations that you should be aware of when shooting ducks on the water in Kansas:

  • It would help if you used a non-toxic shot.
  • You must wear hunter-orange clothing.
  • You must be at least 16 years old to hunt ducks without adult supervision.
  • You must check in with a KDWPT game warden before hunting.

For more information on duck hunting regulations in Kansas, please visit the KDWPT website.

Ducks Limit in Kansas

There are some species-specific restrictions on the bag limit, including:

  • No more than 5 mallards (only 2 of which may be hens)
  • No more than 3 wood ducks
  • No more than 2 redheads
  • No more than 2 canvasbacks
  • No more than 1 scaup
  • No more than 1 pintail

These restrictions are in place to help protect waterfowl populations. It is important to be aware of the bag limits and restrictions before you go hunting. You can find more information on the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism website.

What do I need to hunt ducks in Kansas?

Here are the things you need to hunt ducks in Kansas:

  • A valid hunting license. You can purchase a hunting license online or at any Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism (KDWPT) office.
  • A waterfowl stamp. You can purchase a waterfowl stamp online or at any KDWPT office.
  • A shotgun. A shotgun with a barrel length of at least 26 inches is required for duck hunting in Kansas.
  • Shotshells. It would help if you used a non-toxic shot when hunting ducks in Kansas.
  • A call. A duck call can be used to attract ducks to your location.
  • A blind. A blind is a structure that can be used to conceal yourself from the ducks.
  • Hunter orange clothing. You are required to wear hunter-orange clothing when hunting ducks in Kansas.
  • A first aid kit. It is always a good idea to bring a first aid kit when hunting.
  • Water. It is important to stay hydrated when hunting, especially in hot weather.
  • Food. Bring enough food to last for the duration of your hunt.
  • A map. A map can help you find good hunting spots.
  • Compass. A compass can help you find your way back to your starting point.

Which duck species are commonly found in Kansas?

In Kansas, you can commonly encounter duck species such as Mallards, Gadwalls, Teal, Pintails, and Wigeons during the waterfowl season.

When does the waterfowl season typically occur in Kansas?

The waterfowl season in Kansas generally spans from late October to late January. However, specific season dates are determined by the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism (KDWPT) and may vary annually.

Why is early-season duck hunting significant in Kansas?

Early-season duck hunting in Kansas can be fruitful as local ducks are still present, and hunting pressure is typically lower. This period, usually in late October or early November, allows you to target resident ducks before the arrival of migrating birds.

When is the peak migration period for ducks in Kansas?

The peak migration of ducks in Kansas typically occurs in mid to late November. During this time, many ducks pass through the state, providing excellent hunting opportunities.

What should be considered for late-season duck hunting in Kansas?

Late-season duck hunting in Kansas, falling in December and January, can still yield rewarding experiences.

Pay attention to weather conditions, such as freeze-ups and bird movements southward, as they play a crucial role in concentrating ducks in specific areas.

Simple and Easy Tips for Hunting Ducks in Kansas

Here are some simple and easy tips for hunting ducks in Kansas:

  • Find good spots: Look for marshes, lakes, or ponds where ducks gather. These are the best areas to set up your hunting spot.
  • Use decoys: Set up decoys in the water to attract ducks. Use a variety of decoys like mallards, pintails, and teal. Place them in a way that looks natural.
  • Be patient: Once you’re in your hunting spot, stay quiet and wait for the ducks to come to you. Avoid making sudden movements that could scare them away.
  • Wear camouflage: Wear clothing that matches your surroundings, like camouflage. This helps you blend in and makes it harder for ducks to see you.
  • Choose the right shotgun: Use a shotgun that can shoot waterfowl loads. These are specifically designed for duck hunting and give you better chances of success.
  • Follow regulations: Get a Kansas hunting license and a federal duck stamp. Also, make sure to follow all the hunting regulations set by the state.

Remember to prioritize safety and enjoy your time in nature while hunting responsibly. Good luck with your duck hunting in Kansas!

Some Important Details about Duck Hunting in Kansas

Here are some additional:

  1. Duck hunting season in Kansas: October 1 to January 31.
  2. Daily bag limit: You can hunt up to six ducks per day.
  3. Possession limit: You can possess a maximum of 18 ducks.
  4. Popular duck species: Mallards, pintails, and greenwings are commonly hunted in Kansas.
  5. Best hunting places: Wildlife areas, reservoirs, and lakes are great spots for duck hunting in Kansas.
  6. Weather conditions: Cold and windy days are usually the best for duck hunting.
  7. Duck hunting tips: Plan and be prepared for a challenging and rewarding experience.

Remember to always follow the hunting regulations and enjoy your time hunting ducks in Kansas!

Kansas Duck Hunting FAQ:

  1. When Does Duck Season End in Kansas?

    Duck season in Kansas ends on February 12, 2023.

  2. What part of Kansas has the best duck hunting?

    The best duck hunting in Kansas is in the central and southeastern parts of the state, where there are many wetlands and rivers.

  3. What time can you shoot duck hunting in Kansas?

    Duck hunting in Kansas is allowed from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.

  4. Is duck hunting in Kansas good?

    Yes, duck hunting in Kansas is considered to be good due to its location on the Central Flyway, attracting a variety of duck species.

  5. Can you bait ducks in Kansas?

    No, baiting ducks in Kansas is illegal and can result in fines and jail time.

  6. What is the duck limit in Kansas?

    The daily bag limit for ducks in Kansas is 6. The possession limit is three times the daily bag limit of 18 ducks.

  7. What is the mallard limit in Kansas?

    No more than 5 mallards (only 2 of which may be hens)

  8. How long is duck season in Kansas?

    Duck season in Kansas is open from September to January.


To optimize your duck hunting in Kansas, plan your hunts within the designated waterfowl season, familiarize yourself with the regulations, and choose the appropriate hunting times. Happy hunting!

Here are some additional tips to help you have a successful duck-hunting trip in Kansas:

  • Scout the area ahead of time to find good hunting spots.
  • Dress in camouflage to blend in with your surroundings.
  • Use a call to attract ducks.
  • Be patient and wait for the ducks to come to you.
  • Be safe and follow all hunting regulations.

I hope these tips help you have a great duck-hunting experience in Kansas!


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.