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Battle of the Birds: Farmers vs. Black Vultures Threatening Baby Animals

Ranchers in the Midwest are facing challenges from black vultures, a protected bird species known for attacking newborn livestock. While these birds have a crucial ecological role, their increasing population has become problematic for farmers.

Yancy Paul, a rancher in Lexington, Oklahoma, witnessed a distressing sight last spring when a group of black vultures attacked a newborn calf. This incident is part of a growing trend where farmers are losing young livestock, including calves, lambs, and piglets, to these birds. Black vultures, which typically migrate from South America, have expanded their range northward over the past decade.

The warmer climate might be driving this expansion, allowing the vultures to survive year-round in new areas. These birds have bold behaviour and will scavenge and attack vulnerable animals when given the opportunity.

This trend is causing significant financial losses for livestock producers, particularly in states like Oklahoma. Black vultures are difficult to manage due to their protected status under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, preventing producers from killing them without proper permits.

To address the issue, a program has been launched that allows producers to obtain permits to manage black vulture populations. However, lethal measures alone are not a perfect solution. Farmers are finding that a combination of tactics, including non-lethal strategies like moving herds closer to human activity during calving season or using scare tactics such as hanging dead vultures as effigies, is more effective.

It’s challenging to determine how often black vultures actually kill their prey as opposed to scavenging, making the issue complex to address. Researchers are working to better understand the behaviour and impact of these birds. Despite the challenges, it’s important to acknowledge the role black vultures play in ecosystems by helping to prevent the spread of diseases through scavenging.

The goal is to find a balance between protecting livestock and maintaining healthy vulture populations. As long as favourable conditions persist, these migratory birds will remain in the area, necessitating efforts to coexist with them while minimizing conflicts for livestock producers.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.