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Discover 3 Types of Doves in Delaware (2024, With Pictures)

Doves are a common sight in Delaware, and three species can be found in the state: the Mourning Dove, the Eurasian Collared-Dove, and the Rock Pigeon.

These doves can be found in a variety of habitats, including agricultural fields, wooded areas, and parks.

Doves in Delaware: Learn about the three species of doves that can be found in the state, including the Mourning Dove, the Eurasian collared dove, and the Rock Pigeon.

Discover where to find doves in Delaware and what to look for when you’re spotting these beautiful birds.

Where to Find Doves in Delaware?

Here are some places where you can find doves in Delaware:

  • Agricultural fields are a good place to find doves, as they feed on seeds and grain.
  • Wooded areas can also be good places to find doves, as they will often perch in trees.
  • Parks and other open areas are also good places to look for doves, especially during the breeding season.

Types of Doves in Delaware

There are 3 types of doves found in Delaware. You can easily see these birds in Delaware’s agricultural fields, wooded areas, and parks. Here are the 3 types of doves in Delaware:

  • Mourning Dove
  • Eurasian Collared-Dove
  • Rock Pigeon

Let’s explore their appearance, habitat, diet, behavior, conservation status, where to find them, etc.

1. Mourning Doves

Mourning Dove
Mourning Dove

Mourning Doves are common birds found in Delaware. They have plump bodies, long tails with white edges, and are grey-brown.

Adult Mourning Doves have a plump body with a length of about 9-13 inches (23-33 cm). The males and females look similar. Mourning Doves are also common types of doves in California.

They can be found throughout Delaware, including in urban areas, rural landscapes, woodlands, and farmlands. Mourning Doves are known for their mournful, soft cooing calls, often described as “coo-ah, coo, coo.”

Mourning Doves can adapt to various habitats, including open woodlands, agricultural fields, suburban areas, and gardens. Their primary diet consists of seeds, grains, and fruits.

Mourning Doves breed throughout Delaware from spring to early fall. They build flimsy, loosely constructed nests made of twigs and grass, typically in trees, shrubs, or man-made structures like buildings and bridges.

Mourning Doves are not endangered and can be found throughout North America.

2. Eurasian Collared-Dove

Eurasian Collared-Dove
Eurasian Collared-Dove

The Eurasian collared dove is a bird that came from Europe and Asia but now lives in Delaware. It is about 12-14 inches long, has a gray body with a black collar on its neck, and red eyes.

Eurasian Collared-Doves were introduced to North America in the 1980s and have rapidly spread across the continent, including Delaware.

They are commonly found in urban and suburban areas, as well as agricultural landscapes. Eurasian Collared Doves are also common types of doves in Alaska.

The calls of Eurasian Collared-Doves are a series of soft, cooing notes that sound like “coo-coo-coo.” They are commonly seen in residential areas, parks, gardens, farmlands, and open woodlands.

These doves are typically found in pairs or small flocks. Eurasian Collared-Doves primarily feed on seeds, grains, and fruits.

These doves can breed throughout the year, with peak breeding activity during spring and summer.

Eurasian collared doves are not native to North America and are considered an introduced species.

3. Rock Dove

Rock pigeon
Rock pigeon

Rock Doves, also known as common pigeons, are birds commonly found in Delaware. Here’s some easy-to-understand information about them:

Where they are found: Rock Doves can be seen in both urban and rural areas of Delaware. You’ll often find them in cities, towns, parks, and even agricultural landscapes.

How they look: They have a medium-sized body with grey, white, and black feathers. Some have an iridescent patch on their necks. Rock pigeons are also the most common doves in Arizona.

They are about 11-15 inches long and have a compact shape with a short neck and small head.

Where they live: Rock Doves are adaptable and make use of buildings, ledges, and bridges for nesting and resting. They are commonly seen in urban environments but also near farmlands.

Their behavior: These birds are social and often seen in flocks. They make distinctive cooing sounds. They are good flyers and can navigate through cities easily.

What they eat: Rock Doves mainly eat seeds and grains. They also consume fruits, insects, and human-provided food scraps.

Breeding: They breed throughout the year. They build nests on elevated surfaces like buildings or cliffs.

The female lays one or two eggs, and both parents take turns incubating them. The chicks are fed a special “pigeon milk” until they are ready to leave the nest.

Conservation: Rock Doves are not endangered and are considered a common species. They are well-adapted to urban environments.


Doves are a fascinating part of the Delaware birdlife, and they can be a joy to watch. If you’re interested in learning more about doves, or if you’re simply looking for a beautiful bird to spot in the wild, be sure to check out these three species.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.