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10 Unique Birds That Spend Their Winter in ALASKA (2023/2024)

  • Birds
  • November 17, 2023

Winter in Alaska turns the icy land into a unique place for birds. While many birds fly south for warmth, some special ones choose to stay and adapt to Alaska’s freezing winters.

These tough, adaptable birds show us how nature perseveres against extreme conditions. Don’t worry!

In this post, I will introduce you to the 10 amazing birds that spend their winter in Alaska in 2023/2024. So let’s dive into the details blog post

Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
Bald Eagle

The Bald Eagles are iconic birds of prey and magnificent birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter months.

Alaska is home to a significant population of Bald Eagles, especially along the coastlines, rivers, and near open waters where they can hunt for fish.

During winter these impressive birds can be seen perched on trees or soaring overhead, often in search of food.

Winter in Alaska offers amazing opportunities to observe Bald Eagles as they take advantage of the open waterways, which remain unfrozen in some areas, making it easier for them to catch fish like salmon and other prey.

The presence of these majestic birds throughout Alaska during winter provides a remarkable sight for residents and visitors alike, showcasing the grace and power of the national bird of the United States in its natural habitat.

Read More: Discover 10 Most Common Winter Birds in the US

Boreal Chickadee

Boreal Chickadee
Boreal Chickadee

The Boreal Chickadees are small, charming birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

These birds have a distinctive look with a gray body, a black cap, and a light brown or buffy wash on their sides. They live in Alaska’s boreal forests, even in the colder winter months.

Boreal Chickadees are known for their cheerful calls and active behavior as they forage for insects and seeds in the tree branches and bark.

Seeing Boreal Chickadees in Alaska during winter is quite common, especially in the boreal forests where they actively search for food.

Their cute appearance and lively nature make them a delightful addition to Alaska’s winter birdlife.

Read More: Discover 20 Amazing Winter Birds in Michigan (2023)

Glaucous-winged Gull

Glaucous-winged Gull
Glaucous-winged Gull

The Glaucous-winged Gulls are coastal birds that spend their winter in Alaska in Alaska, including during the winter months.

These gulls have gray wings with distinctive pale patches, and their size is larger than many other gull species.

They are known for their adaptability and can be found along Alaska’s coastline and near bodies of water, including during the winter.

Glaucous-winged Gulls feed on various items, including fish, insects, and scavenged food. They can often be seen soaring, swimming, or perched near water, looking for food opportunities.

During winter, observing Glaucous-winged Gulls in Alaska along the coastlines and shores is quite common.

They are an integral part of Alaska’s coastal birdlife, adding to the picturesque scenes of the region throughout the year.

Read More: 10 Amazing Birds That Spend Their Winter in Alabama (2023/2024)

Steller’s Jay

Steller's Jay
Steller’s Jay

Steller’s Jays are lively and colorful birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

With their vibrant blue feathers and black crests, these jays stand out in forests and wooded areas. Even in winter, they stay in Alaska’s forests and neighborhoods, often moving around in small groups.

Steller’s Jays are known for their calls, which can be heard as they search for food like seeds, nuts, and insects. They are pretty adaptable birds, making homes in forests and suburban areas even during the cold season.

Spotting these striking blue jays in Alaska during winter is common.

Their bright colors and active nature make them a delightful sight for those enjoying the outdoors in Alaska during the winter months.

Read More: 10 Birds That Spend Their Winter in Arkansas (2023/2024)

Snow Bunting

Snow Bunting
Image: Snow Bunting

Snow Buntings are small, white-and-gray birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter months.

These birds have a snowy appearance, with white bodies and grayish patterns. In winter, Snow Buntings visit open areas, fields, and sometimes coastal regions in Alaska.

They tend to move around in flocks, foraging for seeds and small insects on the ground, especially in snowy or open landscapes.

Snow Buntings visit Alaska during the winter season, offering birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts the chance to observe these lovely birds in their winter habitat.

Read More: 10 Birds That Spend Their Winter in ARIZONA (2023/2024)

Pine Grosbeak

Pine Grosbeak
Pine Grosbeak

The Pine Grosbeaks are beautiful birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

These birds are known for their striking appearance, with males having vibrant reddish-pink plumage and females displaying more muted colors. They often visit Alaska’s coniferous forests, particularly during the winter months.

Pine Grosbeaks feed on seeds and berries, especially favoring conifer seeds. They might visit bird feeders in yards, providing birdwatchers with opportunities to observe them up close.

Spotting Pine Grosbeaks in Alaska during winter is a treat for bird enthusiasts, especially in forested areas where they search for food.

Their colorful presence adds to the winter landscape, bringing joy to those who appreciate their beauty.

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Red-Breasted Nuthatch
Image: Red-Breasted Nuthatch

The Red-breasted Nuthatches are small birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

These birds have a distinct appearance with blue-gray upperparts, a rusty-red breast, and a black stripe on their eyes. They often stay in Alaska’s boreal forests, even during the colder months.

Red-breasted Nuthatches are known for their unique behavior of crawling headfirst down tree trunks while foraging for insects and seeds hidden in the bark.

Spotting these birds in Alaska during winter is possible, especially in coniferous forests where they busily search for food.

Their active and distinctive behavior makes them a charming addition to the winter birdlife in Alaska.

Northern Shrike

Northern Shrike
Northern Shrike

The Northern Shrikes are predatory birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

These birds have a distinctive black mask across their eyes and gray plumage. They stay in Alaska’s open landscapes during the colder months, including tundra, fields, and forest edges.

Northern Shrikes are skilled hunters, preying on small mammals, birds, and insects. They use their hooked bills to catch and eat their prey.

Seeing Northern Shrikes in Alaska during winter is possible, especially in open areas where they hunt for food.

Their hunting behavior and striking appearance make them an interesting addition to the wintertime bird population in Alaska.

Yellow-billed Loon

Yellow-billed Loon
Yellow-billed Loon

The Yellow-billed Loons are distinct species of birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

These loons are known for their striking appearance, featuring a black-and-white patterned body with a yellow bill.

During winter, they spend their time in Alaska’s coastal waters and occasionally in ice-free areas.

Yellow-billed Loons are skilled divers, hunting for fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic prey. They might also be seen resting on the water’s surface.

Spotting the Yellow-billed Loon in Alaska during winter is a unique experience, especially in coastal regions where they thrive in the chilly waters, showcasing their remarkable beauty and diving abilities.

Snowy Owl

Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl

The Snowy Owls are majestic birds that spend their winter in Alaska during the winter.

These owls are known for their striking white plumage with black spots and bright yellow eyes. During winter, some Snowy Owls migrate south to areas like Alaska, particularly in open landscapes, tundra, and coastal regions.

Snowy Owls are skilled hunters, feeding mainly on small mammals like rodents and occasionally birds.

They might be seen perched on the ground or in elevated areas, hunting for prey.

While not as common, spotting a Snowy Owl in Alaska during winter is a remarkable experience.

These beautiful birds add a touch of Arctic wilderness to the winter landscapes of Alaska when they visit the region.

People Also Ask

  1. What birds stay in Alaska during the winter?

    Birds staying in Alaska during winter include Ptarmigans (camouflaged in snow), Ravens/Crows (resourceful), Gyrfalcons (powerful hunters), Bald Eagles near open water, Northern Goshawks (skilled hunters), and some Arctic Terns (coastal fish feeders). They’ve adapted to endure extreme cold and scarcity of food.

  2. What species of birds winter in Alaska?

    Over 25 species of birds endure the harsh winters of interior and western Alaska and over 100 stay through the milder coastal winters of south coastal and southeastern Alaska. Some of the most common winter birds in Alaska include:
    Black-capped chickadee

    Bohemian waxwing

    Pine grosbeak

    Common redpoll

    Two-barred crossbill

    Red-breasted nuthatch

    Boreal chickadee

    Black-billed magpie

    Canada jay

    Pine siskin

  3. How do birds survive the cold winters in Alaska?

    Birds in Alaska have a number of adaptations that help them survive the cold winters. These include:

    Thick feathers for warmth.

    High metabolism generates heat.

    Huddle together for warmth.

    Some store food for winter.

    Some migrate to warmer places.

  4. What can I do to help birds in Alaska during the winter?

    There are a number of things that you can do to help birds in Alaska during the winter. These include:
    Put up bird feeders: Bird feeders provide birds with a source of food, especially during the winter when natural food sources are scarce.
    Keep your bird feeders clean: Clean your bird feeders regularly to prevent the spread of disease.
    Use native plants in your landscaping: Native plants provide birds with food and shelter.
    Avoid using pesticides: Pesticides can harm birds.

  5. What are some of the challenges that winter birds in Alaska face?

    Winter birds in Alaska face a number of challenges, including:
    Cold temperatures: The cold temperatures in Alaska can make it difficult for birds to stay warm.
    Scarcity of food: Food is scarce during the winter, and birds must work hard to find enough to eat.
    Predation: Birds are more vulnerable to predation during the winter when they are weak and hungry.
    Habitat loss: Habitat loss is a major threat to winter birds in Alaska.


Alaska’s winter isn’t just a frozen season; it’s a testament to nature’s resilience. These birds teach us about survival and adaptation. Their ability to live in harsh conditions reminds us of nature’s incredible strength. Protecting these remarkable birds means preserving the spirit of resilience that defines the natural world.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.