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Discover 8 Beautiful Peacock Species in 2023 (With Images)

Peacocks are one of the most beautiful birds in the world, with their vibrant colors and majestic feathers.

In this blog, we will discover the world of peacocks, discussing their appearance, habitat, and behavior.

Whether you’re a nature lover or just curious about knowing these creatures, this blog will offer you an informative journey into the world of peacocks.

The 8 Most Beautiful Peacock:

There are so many beautiful peacocks in the world but we took only 8 and ranked them in this blog post. Here is a small description of this peacock.

8. The Great Argus Pheasant Peacock:

Great Argus Pheasant Peacock
Great Argus Pheasant Peacock
SpeciesGreat Argus Pheasant (Argusianus argus)
HabitatForests of Southeast Asia, mainly Indonesia and Malaysia
AppearanceLarge bird with striking plumage
Male PlumageElaborate with intricate eye-shaped patterns on wings
Courtship DisplayMale displays feathers during mating rituals
FamilyPhasianidae, subfamily Pavoninae
Relationship to PeafowlLooks similar but belongs to a different bird family

This species of peacock looks beautiful. The Great Argus Pheasant Peacock lives in tropical forests of Sumatra, Borneo, Malay Peninsula.

This peacock mostly eats different fruits, berries, seeds, and plant leaves. Males spread their wings like a ring ball to attract females.

They are also called “Golden Peacocks” due to their golden color. The Great Argus Pheasant is a large bird found in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia. Although it looks similar to peacocks, it’s not part of the peafowl family.

These pheasants have stunning plumage, especially the males. During courtship, males display intricate wing feathers with eye-shaped patterns to attract mates.

Unlike peafowl, which belong to the Phasianidae family, the Great Argus Pheasant belongs to the family Phasianidae, subfamily Pavoninae.

Read More: Know about Red Peacock

7. Silver Pied Peacock:

Silver Pied Peacock
Silver Pied Peacock

Silver Pied Peacock is another beautiful peacock that ever existed on earth. You can easily identify this peacock by its silver body and wings. They look beautiful when they spread their wings.

The Silver Pied Peacock stands out within the peafowl species due to its distinct appearance. Its plumage primarily consists of white or silvery feathers, with a remarkable mix of metallic silver shades.

These birds feature eye-catching eye spots (ocelli) on their train feathers. The color variation in these peacocks arises from specific genetic traits that result in the expression of white or silver-colored feathers, creating a piebald pattern.

This pattern showcases a blend of white feathers along with patches of darker, more vibrant colors, contributing to their unique and eye-catching look.

While not as commonly seen as the Indian Blue peafowl, the Silver Pied variation is highly sought after by peafowl enthusiasts and breeders due to its rarity and aesthetic appeal.

Their striking coloration makes them popular among collectors, adding diversity and beauty to the fascinating world of peafowl.

6. Asian Peacock:

Asian Peacock
Asian Peacock

The Asian peacock is the national bird of India. This peacock looks amazing when it spreads its wings in the winter seasons, that’s why Asian Peacock is the king of birds.

They have a blue color body with green wings. They mainly eat berries, corn, and different types of seeds. They can also eat snakes, rats, insects, and squirrels.

The Asian Peacock, also known as the Indian Peafowl, is a beautiful bird found in places like India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. The male called a peacock, has bright blue-green feathers and a stunning fan-shaped tail with colorful eye patterns. Females, known as peahens, have more muted brown and grey feathers.

These birds live in forests, grasslands, and cultivated areas. During mating season, male peacocks display their tails in a big fan to attract females. They make loud calls and are known for their graceful movements.

In many cultures, the Asian Peacock represents beauty and pride. It’s even considered the national bird of India. Although they’re not endangered, their habitats are at risk due to loss and hunting, so conservation efforts help protect them.

The Asian Peacock is admired worldwide for its stunning appearance and holds cultural significance as a symbol of beauty and elegance.

5. Wild Palawan Peacock:

Wild Palawan Peacock
Wild Palawan Peacock

The wild Palawan Peacock is a medium-sized beautiful peacock found in the Palawan Island Jungle (South Philippines). Males have blue and black bodies with blue spots on their wings.

Females have a mostly grey-colored body. They have red eyes.

Males can grow up to 20 cm, while females can grow to 16 cm. They can live up to 15 years.

4. Green Peacock:

Green Peacock
Green Peacock

The Green Peacock is the most beautiful peacock on our list. 80% of body colour is green that’s why they named it “green colour“. Green peacocks can grow up to 1-3 meters. They make nests on the ground.

This beautiful peacock is found in Northeast India, Northern Myanmar, South China, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Malaysia.

They look mind-blowing after the wings spread. Green peacocks mostly eat plant material, flowers, fruits, and insects.

The Green Peafowl is a stunning bird known for its colorful appearance. Here are some simple points about it:

  • Looks: Males have shiny green and blue feathers with a fancy tail displaying eye-like patterns. Females have more muted colors.
  • Where They’re Found: They live in Southeast Asia, like Myanmar, Indonesia, and Thailand, in forests and grasslands.
  • Behavior: During the breeding season, males spread their tail feathers and call loudly to impress females.
  • Protection: They face dangers like habitat loss and hunting, making them endangered in some places. Efforts are in place to protect them.
  • Cultural Significance: Some cultures see them as symbols of beauty and pride.

Green Peafowl are remarkable for their colors and are important to conserve due to the threats they face.

3. Gray Peacock Pheasant:

Gray Peacock Pheasant
Gray Peacock Pheasant

The Gray Peacock Pheasant is the national bird of Myanmar. They can grow up to 78 cm. They have a full grey body with blue and purple color wings.

This beautiful peacock loves to eat small insects and different types of fruit. The Grey Peacock Pheasant is a beautiful bird found in Southeast Asia. Here are some simple facts:

  • Looks: It has striking grey feathers with patterns. Males have a cool crest and long tails, while females have more subdued colors.
  • Where They Live: You can find them in places like Myanmar, Thailand, and Indochina, in forests and woods.
  • Behavior: They’re shy birds that hide in foliage. During mating time, males flaunt their colorful feathers.
  • Protection: These birds are at risk due to losing their homes and being hunted. Efforts are on to protect their habitats.
  • Cultural Value: Some areas value these birds for their beauty and importance.

The Grey Peacock Pheasant is stunning and needs help to stay safe in its habitat.

2. White Peacock:

White Peacock
White Peacock

White Peacock is another beautiful peacock on our list. They have a fully white body, and wings except for their blue eyes.

White Peacock native to India. You can find this peacock from a far distance due to its white color. One important thing about this peacock is that White Peacock is a rare peacock species in the world.

The White Peacock is a special bird with some simple facts:

  • Looks: White Peacocks are mostly white, without the bright colors of regular peacocks. Their feathers are radiant white.
  • Reason for Color: Their white color comes from a genetic change that affects how their feathers get their color.
  • Where They Live: You can find them in places like India, and the United States, and in parks rather than the wild.
  • Behavior: Like other peafowl, they show off their tail feathers during courtship, but their feathers lack the usual vibrant colors.
  • Meaning: In some cultures, they represent purity, spirituality, and beauty because of their stunning white feathers.

White Peacocks are special for their unique lack of color and are admired for their elegant appearance and symbolic meanings.

1. White blue peacock:

White blue peacock
White blue peacock

The white-blue peacock is the most beautiful in the world. As for their name, they have a blue and white color body with white and green wings.

The white-blue peacock is a mix of white and blue plumage created through selective breeding. It’s not naturally found and results from crossing white and blue peacocks. Their feathers show a blend of white and blue, often in a mix or gradient pattern.

These peacocks aren’t as common as pure white or pure blue ones but are gaining popularity for their unique look. People see them as symbols of beauty, harmony, and balance.

Some quick facts:

  • Their feathers vary from light blue to deep indigo, with white patches.
  • They’re usually smaller than pure white or blue peacocks.
  • They adapt well to different climates and are hardy birds.

While not naturally occurring, white-blue peacocks are stunning birds that showcase the diversity of nature through selective breeding.

People Also Ask:

You can find all the questions answered regarding “Beautiful Peacock” that people ask on Google. Here are the questions and answers:

Which peacock is most beautiful?

Asian Peacock and White blue peacock is the most beautiful.

Why is a peacock more beautiful?

Peacocks are considered more beautiful because of their unique and striking appearance. The male peacock has blue-green and gold plumage.

Is the peacock one of the most beautiful birds?

Yes, Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds.

What is the rarest peacock color?

White Color is the rarest Peacock color. White Peacock native to India. You can find this peacock from a far distance due to its white color.

One important thing about this peacock is that White Peacock is a rare peacock species in the world.


In conclusion, peacocks are truly beautiful birds that capture our imagination and inspire us with their beauty. From their striking appearance to their fascinating behavior, peacocks have become an important part of human culture and history.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.