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BABY Pigeons: 22 Important FAQs You Need to Know

  • Doves
  • November 24, 2023

Why is it so hard to find baby pigeons in cities these days? This blog will answer 22 frequently asked questions (FAQs) concerning young pigeons, such as why they require sunlight, what they eat, where to find them, and why we don’t see them.

Why don’t we see baby pigeons?

Have you ever wondered why you never see baby pigeons? It’s because they are great at hiding. Pigeons build their nests in hidden places.

Baby pigeons are born without feathers. They grow up fast. When they grow up, they leave the nest as an adult pigeon. If you spot a baby pigeon outside the nest, remember it is an adult, not a baby pigeon. 

Their parents also keep them safe and hidden. Here’s why we don’t usually see baby pigeons:

Hidden Nests: Pigeons build their nests in hidden places. This unique ability makes them so hard to spot.

Stay in the Nest: Baby pigeons stay with their parents in the nest until they are not able to fly. 

Fast Growers: Baby pigeons can proliferate. When they leave the nest, they are in the adult stage. If you find baby pigeons outside the nest, you can’t tell they are babies.

Protective Parents: Pigeon parents are cautious about their children. They keep their babies secure by hiding them from the outside world.

City Life: Pigeons are dangerous in the wild but don’t have many enemies in cities, even though they nest in hidden places to protect their babies.

How rare is it to see a baby pigeon?

It is rare to see a baby pigeon because they are very good at hiding. They always prefer safe places for nest building to protect their babies. They build their nests in high places, like a building corner. They also select very secret spots to raise their young.

Can we touch a baby pigeon?

Yes, we can easily touch a baby pigeon. But it is best not to touch a baby pigeon. Baby pigeons need their parents to take care of them. If you find baby pigeons, it is best not to touch them.

If you touch them, they might be scared to see you, which might harm them. So, please don’t do that.

What do baby pigeons eat?

Baby pigeons eat something special called “pigeon milk.” It is a species-nutritious fluid. Baby pigeons make this special pigeon milk in their throats. The parents feed it to their babies regularly until they cannot eat themselves.

Is having a pigeon baby in the house good or bad?

Keeping a baby pigeon in your house is not a good idea. They need special care from their pigeon parents and are best off growing up in their natural environment.

If you find one needing help, it’s best to contact wildlife experts who can care for them properly.

What if you find a baby pigeon?

If you find a baby pigeon in trouble, it’s best not to do it. Try to observe from a distance to see if its parents return to care for it.

Contact wildlife experts or animal rescue organizations if the baby pigeon seems injured or in danger. They can advise you on what to do next and how to help the bird if necessary.

Can baby pigeons survive without their mother?

Baby pigeons have a better chance of survival when caring for their parents. Pigeon parents are very good at taking care of their young ones.

If a baby pigeon is separated from its parents, especially at a very young age, its chances of surviving might be lower.

That’s why they must reunite the baby pigeon with its parents or seek help from experts who can provide proper care.

Are pigeons harmful to babies?

Pigeons themselves aren’t harmful to babies. Avoiding direct contact with pigeon droppings is essential, especially for babies and individuals with weaker immune systems.

Why do pigeons sit on their babies?

Pigeons sit on their babies to keep them warm and protected. They do this to provide warmth and shelter to their young ones, especially when they are small and vulnerable. 

It’s a way for the parent pig to keep their chicks safe from predators and stay cozy and comfortable as they grow up.

Are baby pigeons left alone?

Baby pigeons aren’t left alone for long, aren’t? Their parents take turns caring for them. While one parent searches for food, the other stays with the chicks to keep them warm and safe.

They’re not left entirely alone. Their parents come back regularly to feed and protect them.

Why are baby pigeons yellow?

When baby pigeons are born, they’re often yellowish and haven’t yet grown their feathers. The yellow color comes from the down feathers covering their bodies, which are eventually replaced by adult feathers as they grow.

Do baby pigeons need sunlight?

Baby pigeons don’t specifically need direct. They’re usually kept warm by their parents.

However, exposure to natural light is essential for their growth and development, just like most living things.

But they don’t necessarily need direction tight if kept in a comfortable and sheltered environment.

What not to feed a baby pigeon?

Avoid feeding baby pigeons human food like bread or milk. They need a specific type of food made by their pigeon parents called “pigeon milk” for proper nourishment.

Feeding them the wrong food can upset their stomachs and harm their health. If the parents are not around, it’s best to let them take care of feeding them or seek advice from wildlife experts.

Can baby pigeons eat rice?

Feeding baby pigeons rice is not recommended. While adult pigeons might eat rice, especially in urban areas, baby pigeons have specific dietary needs.

They mainly rely on their parents for a nutritious substance called “pigeon milk.” Feeding them rice might” upset their”stomachs and not provide the necessary nutrients.

How do you get rid of baby pigeons?

Wildlife experts or professionals should ideally remove baby pigeons. It’s best to avoid disturbing them because they need proper care and handling.

Contacting local wildlife services or animal control experts is the safest and most humane way to address issues related to baby pigeons.

How do you keep baby pigeons alive?

To keep baby pigeons alive, allowing their parents to care for them whenever possible is crucial.

If the parents aren’t around or the chicks seem to ben’t, the best option is to contact wildlife experts or animal rescue centers.

These experts can provide proper care, food, and shelter to ensure the baby pigeons have the best chance of survival.

At what age can baby pigeons fly?

Baby pigeons typically start flying around 4 to 6 weeks old. However, they begin flapping their wings and practicing flying before that.

They exercise their wings and build strength before they can fly longer distances confidently.

What should I feed a baby pigeon?

Ideally, Baby pigeons should be fed a particular substance called “pigeon milk” their parents produce.

If”you’re trying ” to help a baby pigeon, you should leave feeding to the pigeon’s parents or seek guidance from the pigeon’s experts.

They can provide the appropriate food or advice on how to care for the baby pigeon.

Can baby pigeons drink milk?

Baby pigeons don’t drink regular milk like humans; they’re fed “pigeon milk,” a nutritious milk their parents produce.

This pigeon milk contains all the necessary nutrients for the baby pigeons’ growth and development.

Can baby pigeons live without their mother?

Baby pigeons have a better chance of survival when they’re cared for by their parents. Pigeons are good at taking care of their young ones.

If a baby pigeon is separated from its parents or seems abandoned, it might struggle to survive without their care. 

It’s essential to try reuniting the baby pigeon with its parents or seeking help from wildlife experts who can provide the necessary care.

Why won’t my baby pigeon fly away?

Not Fully Grown: Baby pigeons need time to develop their flight skills. They might still need to be ready to fly if they’re young. Practice flapping their wings and gaining strength before taking flight.

Injury or Weakness: The baby pigeon might be injured or weak, preventing it from flying. In such cases, it needs proper care and possibly medical attention.

Confusion or Loss: Sometimes, young pigeons might get confused or lost. They might need time to figure out their surroundings or find their parents before they feel comfortable flying away.

How do you calm a baby pigeon?

If a baby pigeon seems stressed or frightened, creating a calm and quiet environment around it is best.

Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that could scare it further. Also, maintaining a gentle approach and giving it some space can help it relax. 

Providing a safe and comfortable place for the pigeon and minimizing disturbances can help calm it down. 

However, if the pigeon appears injured or distressed, seeking advice from wildlife experts or local animal rescue services for proper care and guidance is essential.


As we wrap up our journey into the world of baby pigeons, it’s clear that these urban birds hold secrets in their hidden nests. Their ability to live amongst us while keeping their young sheltered highlights their adaptability and nurturing solid instincts. From their fluffy beginnings to confident flights, baby pigeons fascinate us, even if they remain hidden high above our eyes. Their quiet existence in city corners showcases their resilience and ability to thrive in our bustling environments.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.