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The AOS Will Begin Renaming Birds in 2024, Starting with a Focus on 70-80 Species in the United States and Canada

Birds are awesome, right? Well, the people who study them, called ornithologists, are doing something cool. They’re changing the names of some birds to make things better.

Why? Well, imagine if your name was always about someone else. Like, if your friend called you “Sara’s Friend” instead of your name. That’s kind of how it is for some birds. The American Ornithological Society (AOS) thinks it’s time for a change.

The AOS is starting with about 70-80 birds in the United States and Canada. Birds like Steller’s Jay, Cooper’s Hawk, Anna’s Hummingbird, and Wilson’s Warbler are getting new names.

American Ornithological Society suddenly announced that they had changed some bird species’ individual names to geographical names. Like the Northern Cardinal to the Red Cardinal, the Black-capped Chickadee to the Woodland Chickadee, and the Bald Eagle to the American Eagle.

Why are they doing this? Well, sometimes using the names of people can make it seem like only certain people are important. The AOS wants everyone to feel included, and they also want us to pay more attention to the birds themselves – how they look, where they live, and why they’re awesome.

Related: Bird Names to Get a New Lease on Life: AOS to Address Historic Bias

For example, Steller’s Jay will now be called the Mountain Jay because it lives in the mountains. Cooper’s Hawk will become the Sharp-shinned Hawk because of its sharp wings. Anna’s Hummingbird will be the California Hummingbird because it’s from California. And Wilson’s Warbler will be Audubon’s Warbler, honoring a nature lover named John James Audubon.

This is a big deal because it’s making sure everyone can enjoy birds and feel connected to them. The AOS is also asking everyone, even kids, what they think the new names should be. It’s like giving the birds their special names that fit them perfectly.

So, thanks to the AOS, birds are getting new names that show off how amazing they are. It’s like giving our feathered friends the spotlight they truly deserve!

The AOS is doing more than just changing names. They’re making sure everyone has a say in picking the new names. They want to hear from bird experts, Indigenous communities who have a special connection to nature, and even regular people like you and me. So, if you have a cool idea for a bird name, they want to know!

Read More: Say Goodbye to Boring Bird Names! AOS’s Bold Makeover Sparks Birdwatching Magic

Not only that, but the AOS is also making rules for naming new birds in the future. They want these rules to be fair, respectful to different cultures, and not hurtful.

This is all about making sure everyone feels welcome in the world of birds. Birds are part of nature, and nature belongs to everyone. The AOS is helping us celebrate the beauty and diversity of our bird buddies, and that’s something we can all be excited about!

Imagine going outside and saying, ‘Look, there goes the amazing Mountain Jay!’ It makes birdwatching even more fun when we know the names fit. So, thanks to the AOS, the world of birds is becoming even more awesome, and we can all be a part of it!


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.