The Scavengers: 10 Birds That Eat Dead Animals

By Akash

Turkey vulture: These large birds have bald heads and a distinctive red wattle. They are found in North and South America, and they eat carrion, roadkill, and other dead animals.

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Black vulture: These birds are similar to turkey vultures, but they have a black head and neck. They are found in North America, and they eat the same foods as turkey vultures.

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Common buzzard: These birds are found in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They are medium-sized birds of prey that eat carrion, small mammals, and birds.

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Eagles: These raptors are also scavengers, but they will also hunt live prey. They have sharp talons and beaks that help them tear apart their prey.

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Kites: These birds are smaller than vultures and eagles, but they are still efficient scavengers. They have sharp beaks and talons, and they can soar for long distances in search of food.

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Ravens: These intelligent birds are known for their scavenging behavior. They are omnivorous, meaning they will eat both dead animals and live prey.

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Crows: These black birds are also scavengers, and they are often seen in urban areas. They are intelligent and adaptable, and they can survive in a variety of habitats.

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Gulls: These seabirds are opportunistic scavengers, and they will eat anything they can find, including dead fish, crabs, and even garbage.

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Magpies: These noisy birds are found in many parts of the world. They are intelligent and adaptable, and they are known for their scavenging behavior.

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Secretary bird: These birds are found in Africa. They are large birds of prey that eat snakes, lizards, and small mammals.

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