Meet 5 Types of Doves in Hawaii

By Akash

1. Spotted Dove: The Spotted Dove is a medium-sized bird with a long tail. This is the most common dove species in Hawaii with spotted plumage. 

They always prefer a variety of habitats like urban areas, agricultural fields, woodland, scrub, farmland, habitation, and gardens. 

Barred Dove: Barred Doves are small birds. They can grow up to 20 cm in length. They have light brown bodies with black and white stripes on their necks, giving them a "barred" appearance.

Zebra Dove: The Zebra Dove is also known as the ground dove.

They have also brown feathers. They can grow up to 23 centimetres in length with a wingspan of 24-26 cm. They are known for their "cooing" call.

Mourning Dove: Mourning Dove is another type of Dove species in Hawaii. They are also non-native species in this state. 

Mourning Dove can grow up to 9-13 inches in length with a wingspan of 15-18 inches. 

Eurasian Collared Dove: Eurasian Collared Dove is another type of dove species in Hawaii. This species of dove is also non-native species in this state. 

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