By Akash

10 Birds That Have Strongest Wings 

Albatross: These birds have big wings and can fly nonstop over the ocean for a long time.

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Andean Condor: With huge wings, they soar high in the Andes mountains using warm air.

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Golden Eagle: These strong raptors can catch and carry prey as heavy as themselves.

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Frigatebird: They stay in the air for days, using their wide wings to find food above the sea.

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Peregrine Falcon: Known for speedy dives while hunting, their strong wings help them fly fast.

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Bald Eagle: National bird of the U.S., they have sturdy wings for catching fish and flying high.

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Harpy Eagle: Their robust wings let them move through dense forests to catch prey.

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Gyrfalcon: Biggest falcon, their strong wings help them hunt in cold Arctic areas.

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Marabou Stork: These large storks fly with powerful wings to find food and travel.

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Wandering Albatross: They have the longest wingspan, gliding easily over the Southern Ocean.

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Hummingbird Size Smallest to Largest