Sandhill Cranes Begin Their Annual Migration South

Sandhill cranes, one of North America's largest and most iconic bird species, have commenced their…

UK Seabirds Decline by 70% in 50 Years Due to Climate Change and Avian Flu

A comprehensive 50-year study of guillemots along the UK coast has unveiled the profound impact…

261 Million Birds Predicted to Migrate South This Fall

Every spring and fall, billions of birds embark on their incredible journeys, typically under the…

Stone Curlew Habitat Threatens 5000 New Homes in Norfolk, But Council Agrees to Comply

Norfolk, UK - Stone curlews, a rare bird species facing extinction in Europe, have played…

Hong Kong Considers Harsher Penalties for Feeding Wild Animals

Housewife Lynn Ling and her 4-year-old daughter, Annmarie, walk through Victoria Park every afternoon on…