Bird Names to Get a New Lease on Life: AOS to Address Historic Bias

AOS takes a huge step to rename some bird species. In a groundbreaking move aimed…

Rare Black Vulture Spotted in California for the First Time in 100 Years

According to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), a rare black vulture was…

Rare Bird Spotted in California After 50 Years!

In a rare event for bird enthusiasts, a beautiful and rare bird known as the…

Rare California Condor Chick Hatches at the San Diego Zoo

In a momentous event, a rare California condor chick came into the world at the…

Sandhill Cranes Begin Their Annual Migration South

Sandhill cranes, one of North America's largest and most iconic bird species, have commenced their…

UK Seabirds Decline by 70% in 50 Years Due to Climate Change and Avian Flu

A comprehensive 50-year study of guillemots along the UK coast has unveiled the profound impact…

261 Million Birds Predicted to Migrate South This Fall

Every spring and fall, billions of birds embark on their incredible journeys, typically under the…

Louisiana Launches Lights Out Campaign to Save Billions of Birds

Hey there! The Louisiana Wildlife Federation (LWF) wants to help birds that fly at night.…

Do Bluebirds Stay in Florida Year-round
Do Bluebirds Stay in Florida Year-round?

Hey, buddy! Ever seen those awesome types of blue birds in Florida? They're like real-life…

Discover 4 Rare Ducks in Michigan

Michigan is home to a variety of ducks, from the common mallard to the rare…