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75,000 Birds Dead: California’s Devastating Avian Botulism Outbreak

A lot of birds are dying at Tule Lake in California. Over 75,000 birds have died so far. The cause is a sickness called avian botulism. This is one of the worst bird die-offs ever seen here.

What is Avian Botulism?

Avian botulism comes from tiny germs. These germs grow in muddy, warm water where there’s not much air. Birds get sick when they eat or drink something with these germs. Sick birds can’t move well. They have trouble flying and breathing.

When Did This Start?

The problem began in August. It’s still going on in October. Bird experts think more birds might die soon. Teresa Wicks, who studies birds, has seen many dead ducks and gulls. She thinks there might be even more dead birds that no one has found yet.

Why is This Happening?

The Klamath Basin, where Tule Lake is, has lost most of its wet areas. It’s been very dry and hot lately. This makes things worse for birds. With less water around, more birds crowd in small wet spots. This helps the sickness spread faster.

Who’s Helping the Birds?

A group called Bird Ally X is trying to help. They’ve fixed up hundreds of sick birds. Many of these birds got better and flew away. But the helpers are worried about the future. They think more birds might get sick if wet areas keep going away.

What Can Be Done?

People who watch over wildlife are asking folks not to hunt near here until it gets colder. They want everyone to help save wet areas. These places are very important for birds. Without them, many kinds of birds might not live.

Why Does This Matter?

This problem shows why we need to take care of nature. When we protect places where birds live, we help all kinds of animals stay healthy.


My name is Akash. I have been doing Google SEO for 4+ years. I love writing blog posts about animals and birds. I am also a ghost writer. Now, I am working with some business owners' websites as a ghost writer.